Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Looking for PBS Documentary Funding

Pam and Stan Williams with Fr. Dwight Longenecker
after Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
in Greenville, S.C. 

Do you want to dramatically transform society’s perception of the supernatural? Do you want to shift culture’s values from materialism to the transcendent? Our project is a simple yet exotic effort with far reaching, long-lasting effect. 

We need help funding a relatively inexpensive PBS television documentary through our two public charity fiscal sponsors. We have the professional experience, the local knowledge, and PBS’s support to carry this off...but we need several funding partners who will also benefit from the PBS exposure. 

Here's the hook, the question, that will catch the interest of millions of viewers...viewers who are culture’s movers and shakers. 

Why are seven (7) European and Near East, inaccessible monasteries, plus a dozen other religious structures, some built as early as the sixth century and all related to St. Michael the Archangel...in a perfectly straight line pointing at and terminating at a prophetic location in the Holy Land? 

The alignment is uncanny and striking. The question about their alignment has stumped historians and archaeologists for decades. But we think we know the answer, an answer that is out of this world, literally...and no, it has nothing to do with aliens from another planet. Common folk and experts wonder if there is a meaning to the mystical alignment. We think there is...and yet the original builders would have had no idea.

  • Were the monasteries built along an astrological alignment with the stars?
  • Were they built to align with the setting sun on the summer solstice? They do, but does that mean anything?
  •  Perhaps the monasteries were built on sites where mystical energy fields emanate from the earth's crust?
  • Is there a magnetic alignment or resonance with hidden veins of iron ore beneath the surface?
  • We do know that some of the monasteries were built as way stations for ancient pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. But is there archaeological evidence that without the advantages of today’s navigation technology such construction could have resulted in an alignment with other monasteries hundreds or even thousands of miles away? 
  • Were there perhaps some unknown primitive technologies, such as those used to build the pyramids, that could have been used to align these sacred buildings on the top of mountains?
  • Perhaps there was a secret code passed down through the many legends about St. Michael appearances that monks discovered or passed around to effect the alignment?
  • Or, is the alignment purely coincidental—a solution looking for a problem as material atheists are quick to claim?
  • Yet, in the end, to what extent is the alignment of supernatural origin? Could the alignment of these gigantic buildings, in visible but inaccessible places,  be the obvious evidence that a transcendent reality exists? Is the alignment evidence that cannot be ignored that God is trying to get our attention?

Our research has taken us to all of the monasteries on the line, and several additional sites across six countries—one being the source of the legendary Sword in the Stone...which actually exists and of which St. Michael had a part. We’ve interviewed archaeologists, historians, and locals, and we’ve collect and catalogued terabytes of high resolution video. But we’re far from done. Some would say we’re in the midst of an eye-opening production, a Eureka moment in history! But no one else will know unless we get help.

With proper funding we can commit to real putting subject matter experts on camera and asking them tough questions— astronomers, archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, astrophysicists, geophysicists, geologists, and a monk or two ... who can help us answer the alignment question and shove society’s heart back to reality. 


Do you know a foundation that will help?


More information is available our project website.

https://stanwilliams.com/ANGELQUEST/ or write to me at stanwilliamsphd@gmail.com


Thank you.

Stories as Theo-Drama

This post may make little sense. I'm writing it so I don't forget something.

A friend recently introduced me to Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theo-Drama Theological Dramatic Theory. That's actually an over-statement. I have not read Balthasar's epic five-volumes, although they sound fascinating. I may never read them. Long theoretical tomes put me to sleep. The books are also expensive, which is just as well because I've run out of bookshelves. All of that is nonsense, however. From the short reviews I've read Balthasar's Theo-Drama meshes well with my own The Moral Premise.

In short, ideas, theories and theology only matters when action is taken.

Or, in terms of an oft repeated writer's adage: show don't tell. 

Another has said, "Intentions do not matter. Right and wrong live in the realm of action." 

Channeling another writer:

We know nothing about God—only what he did. 

And, from some long forgotten playwright:

All the world's a stage
and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. 

In a screenplay or stage play there are six grammatical elements: Scene-heading, Action, Character, Parenthetical, Dialogue, and Transition—but only two really matter—Action and Dialogue, the actions of moral agents—what they do and say.

It seems, therefore, that all that matters are the "acts" of the characters on stage or screen. 

By extension, theology only matters when moral agents act. (Yes, yes, of course, Jesus warned us of the sin of envy, jealousy, lust can be in the heart (mind) a sin. But then, in God's transcendent justice invisibles are real. But that's God, not human agents who can only judge acts and not thoughts...although they try. 

What does this mean?

It means that stories of humans taking action and suffering consequences are works of theology.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Wizard Clip Haunting Review by Marueen Wahu

It's a New Day!

Since the dawn of man and Lucifer’s shameful expulsion from heaven, Lucifer has tried endlessly to put God and man at odds with each other. Such is the story of Adam Livingston.

Adam was never a man of great faith, but his wife, Esther, was a strong believer. Together they weathered many storms as bereaved parents of one living child and several others who died pre-term. Finally, God blessed them with two healthy children who would live to adulthood, but the devil had marked Adam for the purpose of destroying his faith. It was his intent that Adam would curse God before he died.

It’s for this purpose that he petitioned to take Esther’s life and his petition was granted. The plan was working already. Adam, who had little regard for the supernatural despite having the gift of prophecy, became evermore determined to control the outcome of his life.

On top of losing his wife, Adam would have to give up his farm. It was a wedding gift from his father in law deeded to his wife. He could not continue to farm it, but he could sell it and keep half the proceeds. Thankfully, his own family would keep him in the flax farming business one way or another. His father proposed to sell him a piece of land in Virginia and he took the offer. Little did he know that he was heading towards the final battleground. In this place he would either curse God and die, or accept him and receive his mercy.

The Wizard Clip Haunting, is a historical fiction with elements of a supernatural thriller. It describes in detail the haunting of the Livingston property; their mansion, their barn and their farm. It introduces us to the possibility of animals being protagonists for either good or evil. It also sheds light on the power structure within which demons operate. I found the author’s way of exposing satan’s intent very entertaining and innovative.

The only gripe I have with this book is it’s championing of the Catholic faith. I’m a protestant myself and disagree on some doctrinal matters. However, I still found it entertaining and educational. It’s my hope that if this book convicts you to be a Christian, and that you follow the teachings of Christ as your life’s manual.

Grab yourself a copy.

Thanks for stopping by!


Link to Original Review