Monday, June 17, 2024

Remembering Al Kresta (1951–2024)

Added June 22, 2024: Just returned from Al's Funeral Mass that was wonderfully live streamed with multiple cameras and sound fidelity. A treat worship experience. Watch it here:

by Stan Williams - June 17, 2024

Al Kresta was a good friend. I knew him long before he returned to Catholicism. He was a store-front pastor near our home in Dearborn Hts., MI. Later, Al managed Len Iden's Logos Bible Bookstore in Taylor, Michigan that I frequented. 

At one point I became frustrated with broadcast television and game Al and his family our Sony Trinitron color television (that was ironic insofar as I became a television and film producer, although I steered clear of broadcast fare). Al and I joked that I had introduced his family to the the corruption of culture with that move.

Years later, he reverted to the Catholic Church, left WMUZ (Detroit Evangelical Christian radio) as their afternoon talk show host, and founded WDEO (Ave Maria Radio) with help from pizza baron Tom Monaghan at Tom's Ann Arbor headquarters, the mammoth Frank Lloyd Wright office building at Domino Farms at M-23 & M-14. 

When Pam and I converted to Catholicism from our Evangelical roots, I found myself occasionally as a guest on his afternoon talk show "Kresta in the Afternoon," talking about one of my many media projects. I was saddened when I heard he was battling cancer, Al and his family had been through so much. 

This past Friday, June 14,  2024, I was at Al's Church (Christ the King, Ann Arbor, MI) for the funeral Mass of another WDEO regular, Henry Root, who had died of old age. Henry was the Operations Mgr at WDEO for years and the host of Fr. John Riccardo's show "Christ is the Answer" heard around the world on EWTN Radio. Fr. John celebrated Henry's Mass. But I noticed that Fr. Ed Fide (Christ the King's pastor) was missing from the service, and good friend, Mike Jones, who sat behind me at Mass, exited very quickly afterwards. We usually touched base with each other when in the same service, but not Friday. 

Then early the next day we received one of many emails that Al had received his new leg in heaven.  My lasting memory for me of Al was that he wrote the Foreword to my faith memoir, "Growing Up Christian: Searching for a Reasonable Faith in the Heartland of America" in which I document the many times (some humorous) God called me into the Catholic Church. Pam played a big part in that story, and she continually interrupts me in the book to set the record straight. But Al was there from the start as he so aptly did in my book. I'm eternally grateful, Al. See you later.

There are several good write-ups of Al's reversion story from his LSD days to Catholic national prominence. Below is the CNA/EWTN (official) obituary which is relatively short and tells a good story. Also, here is a link to Dave Armstrong's interview originally conducted years ago but then updated.  Why I Returned to the Catholic Church.  Al, Dave Armstrong, Gary Michuta, Bobby Hensley, Steve Ray, myself, and a dozen others including priests in the area were all involved in Catholic apologetics and evangelism. Gary and Chris Michuta would have a summer picnic where we'd all show up and share stories. Perhaps we'll continue the tradition in heaven someday.

Al Kresta, longtime Catholic radio host, dies at 72

By Jonah McKeown
CNA Staff, Jun 15, 2024 / 14:35 pm
Al Kresta, a longtime Catholic radio host, author, and founder and president of Ave Maria Radio, died Saturday at his Michigan home after a battle with liver cancer. He was 72. 
A former evangelical Protestant who rose to prominence as a radio host before his conversion to Catholicism in 1992, Kresta’s voice was heard on hundreds of radio stations daily, including EWTN Catholic Radio, via Ave Maria’s flagship program, “Kresta in the Afternoon.” 
According to a webpage set up by Kresta’s family to provide updates, Kresta was admitted to the University of Michigan Hospital on April 29 “after a month of tests,” which culminated in a liver cancer diagnosis on May 3. 
Born in 1951 in New England and raised Catholic, Kresta’s road back to the faith of his baptism was winding. Despite his upbringing, he described himself as a “stereotypical 1960s kid” who as a young man leaned into the worldly desires of “drugs, sex, and rock ’n’ roll.” The Catholic Church “didn’t hold much appeal to me,” he told EWTN’s “The Journey Home” in 2004. 
“I was a musician and I wanted to pursue my music and a hedonistic, self-centered lifestyle,” he told the National Catholic Register in a 2000 interview. 
“In 1969 I left home and became homeless by choice. I lived on the street, slept in vacant apartments, stayed on the beach in the Florida Keys and bummed off of friends. After some hallucinogenic LSD experiences, I hitchhiked along the eastern seaboard looking for someone who could help me make sense of my hallucinations. I ended up in a New Age group.”
Later, though, through “a series of remarkable, providential occurrences,” Kresta said he became convinced that the New Age movement’s depiction of Jesus as a hippie guru was not correct. In 1974, as a student at Michigan State University, he embraced evangelical Protestantism, in large part thanks to the writings of C.S. Lewis. He leaned into his newfound faith, eventually opening a Christian bookstore and even pastoring a nondenominational church for five years. 
As a pastor, Kresta said he was sometimes tripped up by the fact that there were authoritative questions he had to answer about the Christian faith and that he realized that “the Bible alone couldn’t settle these matters.”
“I had no authority,” he admitted in a later, 2007 “Journey Home” interview.
In the early 1990s, Kresta hosted a Catholic priest on his evangelical-focused radio program as part of an episode dedicated to “Catholic answers to Catholic questions.” Kresta said he was so moved by the priest’s answers that it hit him like a ton of bricks: “My God, I’m a Catholic.” In 1992, he repented and returned to his Catholic faith; his entire family converted at the same time. 
Kresta would later say that the “intellectual integrity of the Catholic faith is unlike anything in Protestantism.”
“The Catholic faith has never disappointed me when it comes to my use of reason or intellectual coherence,” he said. 

Colleagues remember Kresta as ‘deeply thoughtful’ and ‘courageous’

EWTN President and Chief Operating Officer Doug Keck on Saturday said that Kresta’s passing was “a titanic loss not only for EWTN and Ave Maria Catholic Radio but for the entire Church." 
“As his show intro said, he always had the Bible in one hand and a copy of the New York Times in another,” Keck said. 
“He was fearless in his willingness to take on tough issues both inside and outside the Church!” he continued. “But always with a wisdom-driven, balanced approach designed to meet the listeners where they are but never leave them there.” 
“He was an inspiring figure who overcame incredible physical roadblocks to serve his God, his family, and his Church.”
Teresa Tomeo, the host of the radio show “Catholic Connection,” said she would “always remember meeting [Al] long before I started in Catholic radio.”  
“I was so impressed with his knowledge of Scripture and the faith as well as his early and courageous pro-life work,” she told CNA. “We lost a warrior on so many fronts. These are tough times but we continue the work in his honor and memory.”
Scott Hahn, meanwhile — a renowned biblical scholar, author, convert, and founder of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology — called Kresta “one of the most deeply thoughtful and thoroughly converted men I’ve had the privilege of knowing — and calling a good friend.” 
“He will be greatly missed by many,” Hahn said. “Requiescat in pace.”
Matthew Bunson, vice president and editorial director of EWTN News, told CNA on Saturday: “Aside from his goodness, his greatness as a father, husband, and friend, his passing will be a massive loss to the Catholic cause.” 
“He was one of the keenest observers in the Church of contemporary culture and the ecclesiastical landscape,” Bunson said. “We are intellectually poorer for his passing but even more we have lost a truly prayerful, gentle, and faithful disciple of Christ.”  
Rob Corzine, the vice president of academic programs at the St. Paul Center, told CNA that he first became acquainted with Kresta through the radio host’s “bridge group.”“It was a room filled with about equal numbers of Protestants and Catholics who wanted to hear him explain basic Catholic doctrines once a week throughout Lent,” Corzine said.
“Al had the gift of hearing your real question, however poorly you put it or even understood it yourself, and answering that.”
At the time of meeting Kresta, Corzine was “an evangelical who had been reading my way toward the Church for the last few years.” Shortly after, Corzine was coming into full communion with the Church; in several more months Kresta was showing him the ropes of Catholic radio.
“Al is one of the many people to whom I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude,” Corzine said. “And I am only one of the thousands of whom that is true.”

Helped launch Ave Maria Communications 

In 1997, Tom Monaghan — the founder of Domino’s Pizza and also Ave Maria University in Florida — called Kresta and asked if he wanted to move to Ann Arbor to help create Ave Maria Communications. Monaghan “funded the media enterprise for years,” Kresta said in a 2013 Catholic World Report (CWR) interview. Ave Maria later became a major affiliate of EWTN (which also owns Catholic News Agency).
“There’s absolutely no doubt that Catholic radio’s principal mission has been catechesis,” Kresta told CWR.
“I think in the next generation of Catholic radio that’s going to become increasingly clear. Because the last generation was spent defending the faith and defending papal infallibility … We’ll continue to defend magisterial teaching, but I think we now have to help people distinguish [between what] we owe religious assent and what are prudential judgments.” 
In 2003, Kresta suffered with and survived a serious bout of necrotizing fasciitis, a rare bacterial infection. It resulted in the loss of one leg, necessitating the use of a wheelchair.
Kresta said a year or so after the illness on “The Journey Home” that the experience helped him to learn that even in the midst of terrible suffering, “you can think on the cross of Jesus, and you can offer up that suffering.”
His Catholic faith helped him, he said, to “enter more deeply into a sense of Christ’s sufferings … through being buffeted by pain, your sense of self is firmed up and strengthened, moment by moment there’s a stronger sense of who I am before God ... Christ living in me.”
“The Catholic Church’s teaching on suffering got me through arguably what was the most severe crisis I’ve had in my life ... it was my leg, or my life. So, it was my leg. Which was a very easy decision all things considered,” he said with a laugh. 
Kresta is survived by his wife of nearly five decades, Sally, as well as his five children and many grandchildren.