Thursday, September 26, 2024

ANGEL QUEST: In Search of St. Michael's Sword

In 2021, Fr. Dwight Longenecker introduced me (Stan Williams) to the St. Michael monastery alignment known as St. Michael's Sword. Together we planned to travel with a film crew and investigate the St. Michael monasteries that were perfectly aligned across Europe and into Israel. 

In 2022 as the fake COVID-19 pandemic was winding down, I took some digital video gear and went on a pilgrimage to scout the seven monasteries and a few other sites in preparation for the pilgrimage with the film crew and Fr. Dwight. But we never got our funding.

In 2023 and early 2024 I began to put together a documentary of St. Michael's Sword with the material I had recorded during my scouting expedition. I released the finished product May 18, 2024 on YouTube, Vimeo, and Rumble. You can watch it for free. CLICK on the poster for more information and viewing links.

Here's a summary:

Stretching 2,600 miles across Europe to Israel is a straight line of ancient monasteries all dedicated or closely related to St. Michael the Archangel. The alignment has come to be known as the Sword of St. Michael. Although some of the monasteries were built as far back as the 5th century, only recently has this unique alignment been discovered. Archaeologists wonder how and why the monasteries came to be built in a perfectly straight line, as well as in extremely inaccessible locations on isolated islands and on the side of mountains. Although seemingly built by a diverse collection of monks and friars with little knowledge of each other, the constructed edifices share similar stories of how St. Michael showed up in times of great need. 

In the full-length, two-hour documentary, Dr. Stan Williams, filmmaker, historian, and author, takes us along on his pilgrimage to each of the monasteries and a few other historic places along the way, including interviews with local archeologists and historians. Stan's friend, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Catholic priest, world traveler, and prolific author who introduced Stan to the St. Michael alignment, adds noteworthy comments and insights throughout this inspiring program suitable for all audiences.

Here are early comments from viewers on YouTube:
I have wanted to do this pilgrimage for awhile. Thank yo for taking me on your journey. "Who is like unto God?"....No one. As a solider in Christ, I salute the Prince of the heavenly army and lift up the sword of the Spirit. O Glorious Sword given to  Michael the Archangel, by the Eternal Father of the celestial realm....  (@daisyd2392)

What an excellent documentary! πŸ’œ I'm currently doing St. Michael's Lent and this really inspired me to do such a pilgrimage! I really appreciate the real life traveling struggles! You never see this side of things on a Rick Steves travel program! πŸ˜† Forwarding this to everyone I know! 😊 (@Diamondkiwi14)

A highly informative documentary worth watching! It inspires and motivates to start the pilgrimage along Saint Michel's Line. I am honored I could take part in it.  (@joannapyrgies)  [Joanna is featured in the documentary sharing her archaeological expertise. I interviewed her in Dublin. Thank you Joanna, your world travels and knowledge added much to the project. S.W.]

I have always dreamed of doing this pilgrimage. Wish I could have gone with you. That the Star of the Sea shines at the tip of St. Michael's sword is no coincidence or imprudence to me. It only points out that St. Michael points us to Mary, Queen of angels and saints and the ultimate conqueress of demons through her son, Jesus—flesh of her flesh and blood of her blood; and The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Amen. πŸ™ (@ConstellationOrion1) [That's a good point of how St. Michael points to Mary...wish I could have included that point in my narration. S.W.]

Amazing! (@timmcclain2519)

Thank you for this ... Get with a travel agent and put this one together !!!! (@stormyoutdoors4845)

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ (STAR)  (@Undermarysmantleforever)

Please consider adding chapter markers to divide the episodes. This would be very helpful.  Thank you! @KristynLorraine  [Thank you for this suggestion. I wanted to do this but didn't now how, but now I do and I'll do it. DONE. S.W.]