Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MASS DIMENSIONS: An Extra-Dimensional Glimpse of God and the Mass

Mass Dimensions (click here) (a link to printed article with pictures) is an article I wrote in 2002 after a "vision" of the extra-dimensions of God. It wasn't a mystical vision, but simply insight that came in part from reading cosmologist and Christian apologist Hugh Ross' books on the extra-dimensions of the universe. One weekday morning at Mass my undergraduate degree in physics, my childhood hobby of astronomy, the architecture of this particular church, and my recent new understanding of the Mass -- all came together.

Of everything I've written in article form, this is perhaps my favorite. It is, admittedly, a bit esoteric and speculative, and somewhat uncovers my compulsive nature for such things. But it is, for me, still an inspiration to think about such things, and try to understand with my mind, what my heart can only hope for, and my spirit long. It is a great example of shoving Faith and Reason together at the speed of light.

Please tell me what it does for you...even if it puts you to sleep. It just might do that, and that's good. Much better listening to me droning on about cosmology, extra space and time dimensions, and Catholic theology than taking sleeping pills. I'd be honored if this put you to sleep. At least it would be doing some good. At my age, a good nights sleep is worth more than a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and caramelized carrots.

God bless,

P.S. Mass Dimensions was first published (without the pictures) in FAITH (Nov/Dec 2002), a Catholic British journal on Faith and Science

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