Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A "woman" walks into a bathroom...

 (Dr. Stan Williams is on the road for a few weeks. 
This is his daughter, Mrs. April Thrasher, filling in.)

The latest craze of "us versus them" debate seems to be the controversy of transgender people and bathrooms, but it is not. This goes beyond the comfort status of having men in women's bathrooms. It has to do with the fact that any man can dress up as a woman and enter a woman's bathroom. But, there are bathroom stalls for privacy, right? Yes. However, you have to come out and wash your hands at some point, right? I am not saying that transgender people are pedophiles.  But now, the law has given pedophiles a "secret door" to walk through, right into the bathroom with my child.

I read something today that said.  “We have been using public restrooms for years with transgender people and no one has ever had a problem with it until now." I am not concerned about transgender people using bathrooms, I am concerned about
people pretending to be something they are not, in order to harm and violate my child; and now less people will think twice about it because the law says anyone can use which ever bathroom they choose.

Bathrooms are where people do "their business." As a parent, of an eleven year old son, just knowing that my child is not safe in this world is one thing, but now we are being told that we have fewer rights to protect our children than we had before, because anyone can now enter a bathroom with my child, when my child is the most vulnerable, and by law there is nothing I can do to stop it. (Unless I identify as a man temporally and walk into the men's bathroom with my son.) Normally, I do not accompany him into the men's bathroom. I trust him by himself in the bathroom, I do not trust the people I do not know in there with him. I never have.

While the Bible does teach to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, (Mark 12:30-31, New Living Translation)  And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”, it also teaches us to protect the little ones. (Matthew 18:6, New Living Translation)  But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

As Christians we are taught to be tolerant of other people's choices and beliefs. We are taught to love others and to not judge them just because they are different. This is true to a degree but not to the point where good is silenced by evil just to get along. I do not like our current cultural standpoint that I have to change my Christian values and morals because someone else feels offended by them. And when I am offended by their non-Christian morals and values my offense is not valid. When the Bible talks about "turning the other cheek," it was with the understanding that if the other cheek was then hit, you were allowed to fight back without judgement. We as Christians need to fight back and stop remaining silent just to keep the peace.

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