Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: CODE OF SILENCE

Sexual Abuse of Children in the Catholic Church.

In dearly February 2019 I listened to one of my favorite priests delivery a homily.  He encouraged us to love others, and to hold the dignity of other high because, as St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13 , "Love bears all things." Father said, "Our dignity runs deeper than our failures," and, "Love hopes all things."

But the theme he reiterated several times (a quote attributed to Pope Benedict 16) has haunted me since that homily. I wondered, as the bishops convene in Rome to talk about what and how the church should respond to this massive scandal, now of many, many years, this Benedict 16 theme hasn't been the worldview of our bishops and Pope Francis:

Love covers with a cloak of silence what is displeasing in others. 

Each time our priest repeated the phrase and put it on the wall for us to consider, I felt as if I was being hit in the chest. Is that what the Catholic Church does systematically to hide its problems with sexual immorality?    Do they call it love?  Love for whom?   So, they are hiding behind a cloak of love a great evil...the displeasing evil behavior of priests? Sorry Father, what you may allude to is not love, it's evil. 

We may be living through one of the great scandals of the Christian Church, 
and yet it will stand...hopefully reformed.

Tonight I watched a great documentary. I'm a filmmaker. I've produced many documentaries, but everything I've done is sterile compared to this masterpiece. I urge all to watch it. Not only is it objective, it is obviously written and produced by those who love the church and long to see it heal. It is also a masterpiece of documentary journalism. The lengths they go to are amazing. Hats off to whoever funded this, and the talent (Martin Boudot) behind it. Crisscrossing the globe they find and talk to people the police have yet to apprehend. And they even reach Pope Francis in the final minutes. Simply amazing.

It's free, I think on Amazon...although I have PRIME, so maybe it's not. But it's worth some loose change.

I also offer this link of local investigation here in Michigan from The Daniel Coalition

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