Thursday, January 7, 2021


 The Church and the State may be separate, but a nation's success requires both.

The temporal success of the United States, to a great extent, is anchored in its structure, three separate but powerful branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. If you take one away, we end up with chaos, riots, and war. 

The same is true of religion in public life. Without the influence of religion's teaching on right and wrong, there would be no personal accountability or normal by which to past judgement, and again chaos, riots, and war would be the norm 


Imagine a basketball, football or baseball game without referees or umpires. Regardless of the existence of rules, without a judiciary that both sides agree to follow, fights, riots, and war would result. 

That is exactly what has happened over the past month after U.S. courts (especially SCOTS) refused to hear and adjudicate on the evidence regarding conservative claims of election fraud. 

By the courts refusing to hear the cases, they removed the judiciary from the three equal branches of the U.S. Government. When the executive and legislative branches quarrel and there isn't a third party to adjudicate the disagreements, riots etc are the natural outcome. 

We need a 34th Amendment to the Constitution that provides the mechanics for hearing such high-level cases. Not every case brought by people and institutions to every court in the land need be heard. Many are frivolous, which is why a court can dismiss a claim without hearing it. But when national interest is high, regardless of standing, especially when major branches of the government disagree, there needs to be a court of hearing that is orderly and lawfully conducted.

That is functionally what will solve the problem we've recently experienced.


On another level, as George Washington stated in his farewell address, the nation cannot stand without religious principle that informs a nation's or individual's morality. Here is the quote in context:

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

But during the last months of conflict between liberal and conservatives, both promoting their own perspective of moral truth, where were our religious leaders in their role to publicly spark, enlighten, and encourage religion's role in adjudicating public morality? Where were bishops and pastors in the pubic square proclaiming the need, demanding the need, that what is morally right and what is truth be sought with all efforts?

I claim that the Church (our bishops and pastors), like the courts, were AWOL. They pulled themselves out of society, as if they had no space in the public debate. How utterly irresponsible that is. Religion is the basis of morality. George Washington believed that as do philosophers of any longevity. 


ADDED January 9, 2021 with edits January 10.


The storming of the Washington, D.C. capital January 6, 2021 was entirely predictable, logical and reasonable. In the last four years, and especially the last few months, the government of the United States has ceased to function for and by the people. It has failed in many important respects. And the people are demanding justice, fairness, and the following of the Constitution as originally intended. 

The attack was the result of deep frustration by the people. It was justified because those in power were not listening. Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, and Biden all and others made excuses for the summer riots because of the people's pent up frustration over issues they deemed important. But now, when the patriots (and some radical infiltrators) make a stand in the seat of power (WITH D.C. SECURITY FORCE'S PERMISSION) and occupy the capital for a few minutes....oh, it's a terrible thing. 

No it was not terrible. It was reasonable, logical, and needed to wake our legislatures up to how selfish and broken down they are.  And yet, I predict, this is only a precursor of what's coming unless the government starts doing its job.

Aside from the August 24, 1814 burning of Washington D.C. government buildings by the British during the war of 1812, the historical event we need to remember is the FRENCH REVOLUTION.  You remember the French Revolution, don't you?  It was a time when the people got fed up with their government and the church living in luxury and repressing the common folk. 

It got to a point that the common folk rose up and slaughtered the rulers, including  the clergy. It lasted years. Many people today look back on the French Revolution as a time of unrelenting evil against the King and the Church. But it was predictable; it was a time of  Old Testament justice. I'm not so sure God didn't motivate, or allow the French Revolution, to wake the country and the church up to the consequences of evil governance.

The French Royalty and the French Catholic Church were corrupt. Terribly corrupt. Here in the U.S. we're not there yet, but we're close, we're on that track. But this is America not France. We aren't as lazy as the French. So the people aren't going to wait that long. What happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. was child's play compared to the French Revolution, but the cause was very similar. 

The people of the United States have been continually lied to for decades, and most spectacularly over the last 4 years since the 2016 election of Trump.  Regardless of whether or not there was election fraud during the 2020 election, it was the responsibility of the courts to adjudicate the claims fairly and throughly. And it was the Church's responsibility to promote (in the public square) the moral precepts of pursuing truth and justice and to repudiated lying and repression. 

But the U.S. legislature continued to lie. The courts abdicated their responsibility and walked away. And the church was silent, as if cooperating with the courts and the legislature. The government broke down. It was aided by the media and foreign agents who stirred unrest with false flag social media posts. The people were left with no recourse. And the novenas of Rosaries didn't seem to help. What's left?  Mob Rule.  The Church and the Government need to learn from the French Revolution that it's about the people and their right to a fair and honest government. 

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