Sunday, March 28, 2021

Woke Priests Needs to be Defrocked - Polish Canadian Pastor is Hero

This is the danger with the government and the Church over the covid-19 business. This is tyranny, and bishops and priests are accepting this nonsense. Bishops and priests have gone woke. This priest deserves laicization and the cops need to be fired.

I've posted more comments at the bottom of this post. The third video is how our priests and bishops SHOULD be acting. I'm voting for the Polish Pastor (probably Protestant) for Pope. He's the hero of this batch of woke ministers.

The video below is telling but here's a news article about it:

More of the same. Too many bishops and priests have gone woke.

Hurrah! for this Polish Pastor. Our hero. He's going to heaven. The others we're not sure.

I was asked what I did for Easter. Here's my response related to the above videos (sw)

Easter worship for me was listening to the Easter Vigil readings from the Divine Office, a wonderful app and website available on line at Signup for free and enjoy the daily professional recordings (great readers and music) for the various readings throughout the day along with the text. I financially support these people monthly. You should too. 

I’m still refusing to attend Mass as long as the churches and pastors here act like idiot slaves of the state and require masks and social distancing. The videos above are of priests in the U.S. calling the police on parishioners for not wearings masks. They can’t issue a ticket for not wearing a mask so the priest has them arrested or kicked out for “trespassing” …. (they can never return to the church).

The mothers kicked out with their kids were praying at the time. The priests are going to hell in my opinion, and the cops are not going to fair much better. The bishops also are so woke…no backbone, no intelligence, just slaves of the state. Useless our bishops are. 

I can’t believe it and it has me mad.  The polish pastor in the third video is better than the priests above. The Polish pastor in Canada chasing a half dozen cops out of his church by yelling that them, calling them Nazis and the Gestapo. They were from the “health” ministry trying to shut down the church for meeting against some rule due to the pandemic. He told them not to come back unless they had a warrant (search warrant). It was beautiful. He’s going to heaven. All the other woke priests and bishops are hell bound, IMHO. 

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