Monday, January 8, 2024

Linguistic and Fallacy Analysis of Fiducia Supplicans on the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings

I wade into this with reluctance. I am not a theologian, but I am a good Catholic apologist and I am a strong defender of Catholic Church teachings. After reading many reports and a few debates on the controversy surrounding Fiducia Supplicans (authored not by Francis but by Victor Manuel Card. Fernández, Prefect; and Mons. Armando Matteo, Secretary for the Doctrinal Section, and yet approved by Francis), I had to read the document myself. In so doing, I was compelled to make some observations in cogency with my expertise. 

Here's the introduction and Summary. The full document and my analysis is linked to a downloadable PDF.




Fiducia Supplicans

On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings

by Stanley D. Williams, PhD

Revised: 9 January 2024


Embedded in this document are my notes based on 20 years of doctoral level research and analysis of pubic communication messages that involve the identification of linguistic and logical fallacies used by cultural leaders that at times, either misrepresent their intent, or purposely misrepresent what is true. I do not annotate this document as a theologian, but as an expert in logical and linguist fallacies. I am also a student of classical Catholic doctrine, history, and spend a portion of my time involved with Catholic apologetics.  

Executive Summary

This document is either very poorly written or poorly translated (into English). Although this declaration does not promulgate a Catholic doctrine and was not promulgated under the rubrics of an “ex cathedra” declaration and thus does not automatically fall under church indefectibility teaching, it does appear to promotes a heresy, perhaps unwittingly. Most notable the  declaration utilizes a great deal of gaslighting that is to be repudiated. (Gaslighting is the purposeful or inadvertent use of irrelevant or invalid evidence that leads to a false conclusion.  For example, the declaration gives examples of blessings that are non sequitur to the subject and purpose of the document, which is to discuss the blessings of same-sex or other irregular couples.) The declaration needs to be retracted.

The analysis is downloadable at this link. 

Stan Williams

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